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Writer's pictureThomas Larkin

Pray Without Ceasing

“Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

It is easy to take our blessings for granted. I am sure that I have never prayed too much – I am equally sure that there are times that I have not prayed enough. Being able to pray to the Father is a blessed privilege – one that we may take for granted.

Prayer is always appropriate. Nothing is too small to pray about. Nothing is too large to pray about. God is never annoyed by our persistent prayer – he never says, “Enough!” In fact, Jesus taught that we should pray always and not faint (Luke 18:1). The parable that follows – the persistent widow and the unjust judge – drives home this fact, God cares for his people! And because he does, we can pray without ceasing.

Wherever we are and whatever circumstances we face, we can pray. We can pray knowing that our Father’s ears are open to our prayers. We can pray knowing that our merciful High Priest is at His right hand to intercede for us. We can pray knowing that when God hears, he is ready to act on our behalf. We can pray with the confidence that, as we pray according to his will, he will give us what we have asked.

Prayer is essential to the life of God’s people. No time of day should be off-limits to prayer. “Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray…” (Psalm 55:17). When we face trouble, we should turn to God in prayer, knowing that “he will regard the prayer of the destitute, and will not despise their prayer” (Psalm 102:17). But our prayers should not be limited to times of trouble, because, as David tells us, God is pleased with the prayer of thanksgiving “better than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs (cf. Psalm 69:30, 31).

Prayer will always have a positive effect in the one who prays in this way. It will focus our minds on the will of God and drive anxiety from our hearts. I love the little framed embroidered piece that says, “A day hemmed with prayer is less likely to unravel.”

Do you take full advantage of this blessing? Do you pray without ceasing?

Thomas Larkin

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